The Stars, The Moon, and The Sky

Captain Bulmaro was a stubborn man, as he was the head of a major fishing ship, and coincidentally the main source of income for his homeland. Where he came from was not important, what was important is that his pride was only justified up to a point. The saying here would be 'The pride comes before the fall', but in this case would not come close.

Bulmaro's ship was crewed by nearly 80 men, over half of which had never even been out on sea let alone on the biggest ship any of them had ever seen. The Captain was not so heartless as to expect the same performance from his new mean as the experienced ones, but vowed to return with the same haul as always.

As expected from fishing just off the coast, a storm began to approach, but not one of shape, size, or color that anyone had ever seen before. While some of the new men expressed valid concerns over such a storm, the more experienced crew simply shrugged it off as a rare occurrence; these concerns were later silenced by a ship wide announcement from the Captain himself.

No one could remember what the Captain said, but soon the air grew into a thick fog, and no one could see more than a few feet in front of them. Where any reasonable person would simply turn around, as was said before, The Captain was a stubborn man and forced the ship to press on deeper into the storm. Rain fell, thunder exploded, and waves of water crashed against the ship, all threatening to push it over until... nothing. A silent calm fell over everything and the ship was stopped dead.

Completely dead, not a single instrument or object on this ship would work. Compasses pointed to nowhere, the engines refused to turn on, doors randomly refused to close or open, beds somehow were too soft or too hard, no one was hungry or tired, and worst of all... no one could die. Where this would drive anyone insane, the crew found themselves comforted by a singular announcement by their Captain.

“Do not be afraid, this is all going as planned. After all, I'm your Captain and I'll never let you down.” Bulmaro would announce.

After however long it would take to forget the crew even had a Captain, the ship would find itself moving again, into calmer waters and cleaner skies. Not a single soul recognized the stars in the night time sky, the triple moons, nor would they question anything about their journey. After all, this was all going as planned. Their Captain would never let them down.

To this day, Captain Bulmaro, his crew, and his ship are all stuck together on a journey to nowhere. May their tale be the worst story ever told.